Looking for some insight on what is possible with the battery - been reading about trickle chargers and we will get one asap for over winter charging. I think all will be stored outside but I gather this is fine for battery life.
Am I correct in my understanding that this is a crank battery? Can we power much else other than the two lights over a few days away? Are there options other than solar to charge while traveling? I have a lot to learn; should I be researching inverters?

Yes you can use this battery for more than just the light and fan. A trickle charger is a great asset to have for this battery also you can add another battery and connect the positive to positive and negative to negative giving you more time. Also a solar panel works quite well to keep the batteries charged while traveling or even while camping. Before going anywhere always charge your batteries unt they are complely change. Also you can leave a trickle charger on for long periods of time. Hope this help. Forrest