I'm hoping someone can help. I have a Diamond in the Rough. I had a tarp over the trailer this winter and , in the spring when I took the tarp off, these black marks are present on the flat aluminum (not on the diamond plate aluminum roof)

. Does anyone have a recommendation to clean these? Also, should a wax be used on the surface after cleaning to protect the aluminum?
I went ahead a few weeks ago and used the Mother's Mag and Wheel Polish. I gently applied with a rag the polish to the oxide spots. Created a black residue that then washed right off. I then buffed the whole trailer with the same product (using a Simoniz Orbital buffer I bought on sale at Cdn Tire). Seemed to do a decent job. I suspect once you start using buffing/polishing that its an ongoing process.
Just wondering what others use to protect the trailer? Any type of wax?