I went through some of my older videos that I totally forgot about, Back when I originally started building in my back yard. If you want to know how to make your teardrop shine, check out my old archived video entitled Polished Aluminum rear galley tear drop Trailer. I can literally see my face in the back of the galley door. Check it out... ( Note: this was the second or third trailer I ever built, We have made major improvements to our trailers since this video with over 300
trailers built to date.
We also now have a 3000 sq ft shop, and no longer build in the back yard. This video is just a testimonial to how well you can polish your trailer, with a little elbow grease and a polishing kit from Princess Auto or Harbour Freight.
We polish the aluminum aircraft cowls by hand using various pastes, and they all work well. But be warned, once you do it you'll be doing it again soon because every fingerprint will show up! But it looks nice when first done.
I found the best color polishing compound was the white. If you are in Canada: Princess Auto
If you are in the USA, Harbour Frieght
I also did a quick blog back in 2014 on it.